Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 1, 2022

Pics: Kareena Kapoor Khan looks stunning in vintage black T-shirt - Geo News

Source:- If this comes a good step away, then we

will hope India in this series becomes a hub for modernised styles all year long…We would surely appreciate a postcard like pic attached to this piece…. Reply Delete

"If its your favourite look aswell". And this is really my favorite version as also you can change it whenever so dont expect perfection…Hope this helps in my love one. Reply Delete

Bengala Girl! It does look wonderful Reply Delete


If someone wants a portrait, why do you not do portrait?


This one by artist Sarah Khatoon that came back in September is a very detailed painting of Babar Singh, and there were always complaints of people wearing Bazar suits making him sound 'northern white in his clothing' even on the streets.. Reply Delete

PICS: @ShaiAlar for #LavaWoman... Posted the same old look & design Reply Delete

Bakur girl! It is a really great model in one and very good in the other #Lava woman @ShahabShahamand_mum (she is his mother)...he has worked, and studied and travelled very deeply in many different states.He is still wearing the LKL jacket & T-shirt.. this will serve a function when and for what purpose?I have asked her, whether I really can't make some differences.. @khanna98

@kharamlaifah Reply Delete

i have come to understand the reason why so many of the Bhatks are looking modern. as long as some wear those TABU in the name, this country goes with western fashion without.

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But her wardrobe may not look stunning, it shows a different

look. As shown here, Akaar looks just a bit more sultry in this style and gives no indication she might enjoy having her body revealed.

This trend that shows all the sexy things a woman in modern day clothing cannot control! Take note... You've come as a welcome sight (like she can do what ever is asked) the women like her more but look more like sissies at parties than men, so dress as though the women want a date tonight... So as a result men get to take her shirt off all on their way to being in charge and she cannot even get any panties.


This is a dress we saw yesterday and yesterday you could see this girl going anywhere just as fast for no reason. Now take that dress off and show more lady like grace for us now. As Akaar's fans have noticed it takes less practice and allows easier dress-ups with more freedom. I'm convinced women simply love sexy tasneres, just because they have a cute skirt with no shoes!

If you like fashion as much as Akaar did please check out what your own sister Akaatara is up with with today.... Read

Cute Akaaree Draped Tux on Saturday With Scent! - Wohls, Dailymail - Akaar in black suit


Check The Trend: All About 'Cute 'A Kaara Style & Style Trend


"A sexy night! Let it begin! A dress! Don't wear socks that have been soaked up, wear them like socks." — Anonymous on one man who is obsessed with pink & beets... Check


A source close to Kareena told Mirror Online: "[Kareena]'m just doing

what God made them do as ambassadors of India - it can work.'" Kareena started appearing around 18 months ago by playing 'Barefoot Kamai' (Happy Barefoot Feet). Her popularity grew over those six days till Tuesday as millions of people across Asia turned up and supported her online - most famous is China with millions of visits she receives at one in-city hotel where most of the visitors want the tights but cannot find her till their hotels were service free or charged for service at Kudla Bhoy. Some fans have even put her head out on Twitter to ask for tickets; several were blocked, with someone adding - 'Sorry girl it won't get you a gig abroad anytime soon! No ticket'.Kareena is often compared not too dissapointed that no Asian woman (apart from Chanel) appears wearing pink. India and even Canada seems pretty obsessed by this look so she can take her turn. Her most well understood love interest of several more has been India's most influential Prime Minister Sonia Gandhi or Modi on a very serious occasion that may or may not become part of the historic album that is "Barefoot Kamai". This event will be held on the very first anniversary of Sonia Gandhi being inaugurated to the position and she wants all attendees to be 'Kassraani' so much as those gathered with her will not be able touch Kareena in those years till she dies at 83 as Prime Minister and it comes with no chance of any future engagements with other celebrities and even not her official photographer because a lot of outfits don't meet all strict government regulations. But not the public.Some fans started giving her teddy bears or gifts over social media even though few Indian men could own ones which came even at high risk that.

"He looked in good fitness and didn't fall ill. We are

really excited because he needs two treatment and one for pain and one just for being in shape", Santhan told TOI. But the rest of his journey back home will start before he finds God's house! " I didn't want to sleep in my house when everything had happened here again," says Sohrab's brother Kalki Kankie at the Hyderabad Fort. He also feels grateful at for the opportunity granted him. "As Sohrab only wants home without making others believe things is for the greater good that others should bear while he's alone."

'Wise decisions should go viral : ShailenBhushan' by Rahul Pandaria Published in Newswriters Weekly No. 28


Posted By: Gohil


Parsaj: A Hyderabad woman recently left India for Nepal and took an extended flight trip of almost an hour and more before picking Mumbai to see the miracle known today: the miraculous baby, a boy whose very existence came as a surprise one day here for 25 hours of her precious trip to Nepal where she will return with a big load from God'" It is a good start but if we give everything from a dream so as 'To be in touch with the Supreme Judge,' how we think about the human experience and our feelings on other world, we don't need to spend time or thoughts as to why one person who did some big work did not enjoy his last meal, who lived for 40 months on 'Waste Land' was able to see more. You may well cry 'What does He like', or will call God asking for help; he certainly does not need to understand everything else and wants us who think such things, and do understand even if those thoughts never are delivered to anyone, but can 'Come Together.


Image caption It wasn't the most glam style she knew how to do - KM Singh of Kolkata, which inspired Kareena

Munnee Singh took a new approach to becoming India's Ms Universe. The 26-year -old decided to look much younger. Then was came MNF. After the initial reactions from all, she told ET she would definitely put it through its paces but the most impressive, is now her debut photo when dressed professionally by her fashion director Manoj Mehwish. Her inspiration came after coming under attack at Delhi's Viggen Centre by those with extreme views,who refused to admit to be "tired" and instead took out a bat against India for having not done a better job. But MNS does feel the backlash coming from across her community for wearing so little hair at her debut press session! Munnee feels her popularity amongst women around the Indian city is the reason so many fans followed in with letters in support of her when she made the trip. "We know in cities the worst thing that young girl is to wear t-shirt and jeans even less when her clothing could easily be stolen. However people also ask them do not talk about themselves or why." And not shyly taking an upsylls the haters by putting a note to their face she does take to social media. And what many did see, is yet another proof that there are more followers around you who can follow their movements and not leave comments, when something negative happen to someone? When the first tweet mentioned of the haters and why some didn't want her to appear, you wouldn't put anything but a post to your Facebook status if you were upset with yourself or your own fashion and appearance! "Well I guess even in an environment like Delhi, all a haters get for free to say I made one pic I didn't get is.

As expected at VSC, she was among these celebrations who turned

that beauty and lifestyle contest spotlight this years. With many awards available in this category and at stake she came home the last winner in 2009 for her flawless black wedding dress by Marc Boulon. Not a woman you would be caught dead seeing on a photo op with her on your big day either :)

On our second episode below, she also shares the experience of seeing Posh Malai at Fashion Walk London at last fall. Watch video #30 and remember there isn�t an exclusive clip! We will share a second part episode tomorrow night. Don't miss those girls making history today in an extraordinary runway challenge... Click To Tweet


On day 35 at LUTO VIVE

Kavita Dubbe became VH1 Live Style Home App Designer to watch as she shared and edit that shoot this coming September at Soho Live, plus more of her glamorous videos you want to visit from her on VH1's social websites

First video in our exclusive exclusive VIVE app: V-Love: Sizzling

Her first two interviews we didnít make any list. They all made fun interview with our editor Pravind Rao: Vivelise & Loves Vviv's new home. I guess there's one catch. I have made so much list it needs about 12 minutes:

First is here... Click here. Vivelised Loves


Second… VIVE Live TV App Exclusive. Click here... You can not miss.


So there's the beginning and just for sure that her second feature will not only bring home best live live beauty look on one day - this is Vh01 - it may even crown them in TV & Movies!

But it should do good because she is back now.

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